Virginia Walsh "Since 2006 I have been the founding Director and Curator of Exhibitions at Safe Harbors of the Hudson’s AnnStreet Gallery. I am also an artist, who trained classically in drawing and painting at the Art Students League and later acquired two degrees in art history. Even though most of the time artists drive me crazy, I love my job promoting the arts and curating exhibitions in Newburgh. In the recent past, I have been a designer, arts program director, fabricator, professor of art history and the humanities, as well as the owner of two galleries and a printmaking studio in NYC. I have lived abroad, and have enjoyed traveling throughout the U.S.A, Europe and Canada, which I wish I could do more often. Ideally, I would love to live in a world where people laughed more, and argued and fought less. When I’m not working my day job or creating, I love to read classic noir detective novels, walk about in nature, and I prefer to listen than talk to people… I learn a lot more that way. Oh yes, I instantly become a loyal, lifelong friend with anyone willing to bring me my morning coffee!”