Nick Cinea is a professional wedding and family photographer who uses his free time to photograph the everyday people of Hartford, CT and share their stories on his photoblog: Humans of Hartford. Nick has captured over 700 stories in the past two-and-a-half years, and drew his inspiration from his love for the Humans of New York photoblog. Nick was captivated by Humans of New York’s photography but more importantly its storytelling and believed he could apply the same practices in Hartford.
In March 2014, Nick bought his first professional camera and began photographing the people of Hartford. While approaching strangers wasn’t easy at first, Nick has found the confidence to ask hundreds of people to share some of their most personal moments in front of his camera. The stories he has captured are a range of unique emotional tones and perspectives from all geographical locations of Hartford.
Humans of Hartford strives to show Hartford’s human factor despite the stereotype that Hartford is a ‘scary city’. Nick hopes that the stories he shares remind everyone that no matter the time or place, everyone is similar in that we all have stories to share.