"I spent a lot of my childhood staring out the window. 25 years in advertising staring out the window. then it came to me"! Kevin Kearns, Landscape painter
Central to Jill Baroff's artistic activity is the ever changing nature of perception and our place within the world. Using the trinity of circumstance composed of the work, the viewer, and the environment, Baroff suggests possibilities and locations for us in the larger world.
Much of Stefana McClure's work makes reference to the structure and visual properties of written language. Although the “text” is sometimes obliterated or partially dismantled, the meaning is always
as important as the visual form. Distillation of time and obliteration and reconstruction of information characterize McClure's drawings and sculptures. The work has a self-structuring methodology: visual form being determined by the process by which the work is made.
Victor Mirabelli, Contemporary Fine Artist. My paintings have often been described as hauntingly beautiful stark impressions of realism.