As Managing Director of the iQuilt Partnership, Jackie Gorsky Mandyck provides leadership and logistical support for iQuilt initiatives. The iQuilt Plan, formally imbedded in the City of Hartford’s 10-year master plan, lays out a strategy and design for linking Hartford cultural and physical assets and making the intersecting public spaces more walkable, engaging and vibrant.
Prior to this exciting and innovative endeavor, Jackie was the Deputy Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Consumer Protectio. In the private sector, Jackie was the Director of Community and Institutional Relations for Trinity College. She was one of the principals leading the Neighborhood Initiative, which included the Learning Corridor, a $106 million, public school campus for grades K-12. She also served as the Interim Director of the college’s graduate program in public policy. Prior to that she held her most cherished job, which was working in the family business in Upstate New York.
When Jackie's not mapping out the future of downtown Hartford's public spaces, you can find her navigating the wilds of New England and New York in search of yet another far-flung soccer field or basketball court with her two amazing daughters. Jackie has her degree from Syracuse University and her Masters from the SUNY Albany and claims to bleed orange during basketball season.