Iran Nazario has been working in the program management, gang prevention, youth outreach, engagement and support field for 26 years. He began his career as a volunteer on the streets of Hartford, CT and is currently the Director of Peacebuilders and Community Relations at COMPASS Youth Collaborative where he leads a team of 16 men and women whose goal is to decrease the level of violence throughout the city of Hartford, Connecticut. Since the program operations began Peacebuilders has served over 3,000 youth and has a success rate of over 80%.
Iran is an expert in Gang Prevention and Mediation, a Drug and Alcohol Prevention counselor, Graduate of the National Youth Employment Coalition 2001, Certified Violence Mediator, YO! Leadership Institute Graduate 2001, Graduate of City of Hartford’s the Youth Development Practitioners Academy 2008 and Middle Management Institute in 2009. He has trained and presented for youth service agencies, court support services, schools, and many others on a local and national level
THE DIARIO / LA PRENSA, award dedicated to "a select group of Latinos who always faced challenges but never lost sight of their goals" in 2012 and a recipient of the 2013 “100 Men of Color Award” honoringprogress that pioneers, educators, service men, politicians, entrepreneurs and tastemakers have made in their professions, and the invaluable contribution these men have given to our communities.
In 2015 Iran received the Latinos United for Professional Advancement (LUPA) “50 Most Influential Latinos Award” in recognition of his influence in the State of Connecticut Latino community.
In June of 2015Iran was “Badged” by the Hartford Connecticut Police Department to serve as a community/law enforcement partner. In this role Iran is to serve as an intermediary in city wide crisis situations under President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper Initiative.