Dianne Jones is an ordained Elder and serves in her outreach ministry—New Birth Ministry, Inc.,
Currently she is Vice President of the Board of Directors for CT Center for Nonviolence, Director for Re-entry Services and Promise Zone Community Empowerment. In these roles she works to bring a new awareness to addressing conflict, creating a sustainable and quality of life for individuals returning from prison to home and engage the community with a variety of advocacy resources.
Ms. Jones holds a Bachelor of General Studies degree from the University of Missouri; she is presently working on her Masters of Education degree at Cambridge College. She is an appointee of the Governor Malloy to the MLK Commission. Currently she serves as and is co-founder of the Exoneration of Marcus Gravey Foundation. Among other appointments, include At-Large Member for NRZ revitalization zone. She serves as a trainer in Kingian Nonviolence for the CTCN and AVP (Alternative to Violence Project) for Connecticut prisons. She headed the National Urban League’s youth movement NULITES (National Urban League Incentives to Excel and Succeed).
Pursuant to this work she worked alongside the then Governor Weicker in the establishment of legislation to create funding for afterschool community based centers within Hartford schools. She served as a representative for the Children’s Defense Fund to the State of CT Youth Services Commission. Her appointments include working for; Montgomery Alabama Community Action alongside of Martin Luther King, III; serving as a statewide organizer for several Baptist churches throughout Detroit, MI, MI;
Dianne continues to work with various organizations on the issues of disparity with the urban communities.