Chris and Jackie Allen-Doucot, co-founded the Hartford Catholic Worker with Brian Kavanagh in 1993. Chris, Jackie and Dwight Teal, Jr. are members of the Hartford Catholic Worker community, affectionately known by the residents of our neighborhood as the Green House. At the Green House we try to practice the Works of Mercy in a personal way on a daily basis. That is we share our food with hungry people, and our home with people in need of a place to stay. We share our time with the children of this neighborhood and we welcome folks from beyond this neighborhood to seek the Beloved Community with our neighbors. Martin Luther King Jr. often told folks that "the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice." We think Dr. King was right but we also think that the universe bends towards justice because there are folks everywhere tugging on it. We are tugging like crazy with our neighbors to bend this society of ours to be more just to the people, especially the children, of our neighborhood.
Dwight Teal Jr. grew up in this neighborhood. Dwight is an artist working with pastels, water colors, acrylics and twist ties. At the Green House he repairs bikes and makes art with the kids. Dwight has also taught himself computer skills and has recently built his own computer.
Jackie and Chris have two grown sons: Micah, 24, and Ammon, 22. Desteni Rose and Diamana Lilly Dullaire are Chris and Jackie's grand daughters. Their mom, Morliana, "adopted" Chris and Jackie when she was in high school. They're thrilled she did.