Anthony & Leticia Blanco founded Foster Buddies Network, Corporation in 2009, in Orlando, FL. Foster Buddies is a non-profit 501(c)(3), who's mission is to assist the underprivileged youth attend Arts or Sports activities in their communities without income related limitations. They founded the Network because they adopted children and found themselves unable to afford activities for their children. They started their own affordable sports and arts activities such as Basketball and Flag Football in their Orlando community with great success. The Blanco's moved to Connecticut in 2012 and by 2014 started Hartford Boxing Center with their partner, Michael Tran; who also believed in their mission. The Blanco team truly aspires to make their community aware of the impact Arts and Sports have on a youth, as it helps mold characteristics such as discipline, dedication and perseverance. They realize it takes a village to raise a child and encourage adults in the community to share their gifts and talents by mentoring, coaching, teaching or sponsoring a youth that has aspirations to become a champion. Anthony and Leticia believe guidance and encouragement among our youth can produce inspirational outcomes that will benefit all communities!